
Why am I even doing this?

Well I guess there's a few motivating factors:

First of course, is entertainment, because why do something like this if you aren't going to have fun doing it!

Second would be organization. And this is two-fold: Organization for myself and for others.

Writing this blog is a great way to keep tabs on the recipes I've used, what works and doesn't work, how to tweak meals for next time...and it keeps all this info in one central place.

But this is also for others as much as it is for myself. I started posting pictures of Facebook of my meals, and some people would ask for recipes...we'll here ya go!

I'm sure I could continue with more motivational things, but instead I'll suggest lists of goals/hopes that I hope to achieve from this:

1. Develop an online cookbook (that sounds kinda cool, doesn't it?)
2. Make this blog interactive
3. Learn a little bit about cooking
4. Sometimes the best thing you have are the pictures...take cool pictures!
5. Have fun

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