Thursday, July 17, 2014

This One's for the People - Part 1

I like to think I'm a man of the people, so you must give the people what they want. Which means that I will be posting recipes on the top two selected dishes from my last post's vote (does that even make sense)/?

So here we go:
BEWARE: Prepare to have your mind NOT blown away!


  • Deli meat of your choosing
    • They serve Boar's Head meat at my local deli so I splurge every now and then and get it.
    • On this particular sandwich, I have the maple turkey breast and some chipotle chicken breast (it was on sale, definitely a bargain)
  • A slice of cheese (you can put two on if you're really feeling your oats)
    • Oh yeah, you get to choose the cheese. I went with swiss.
  • Two pickles
  • Kraft Sun-Dried Tomato Salad Dressing
    • Alright so here's a little secret. I don't like mayo or mustard on my sandwich but at the same time, who likes a dry deli sandwich? Ketchup could only get me through my early years but I've evolved my tastes. Yes it's a salad dressing, but it's delicious. And because I don't always like a cut tomato on my sandwich, this still gives it a similar enough flavor...or at least I've convinced myself it does
  • Butter
  • Two slices of sandwich bread
    • I kind of feeling silly putting this because you're making a sandwich, so of course there's bread, right?
  1. Make a sandwich with the above ingredients (You got this!)
  2. Pretend the sandwich you've just made is actually a grilled cheese and proceed to step 3
  3. Butter one side of your "Grilled Cheese" and cook in a pan on the stove for about one minute (or until bread gets that perfect grilled cheese color on it...if you don't know what that is, then maybe look it up?)
  4. Before you flip the sandwich over, make sure the side that has not been cooking is sufficiently buttered
  5. Flip sandwich and cook until you get that same color (about 1 minute)
  6. Cut in half and eat it!
Alright, by now you might feel overwhelmed by this post and feel like you're missing something. Well, you're not. All I did was make a regular sandwich...but then I realized how great it would be if my bread were toasted and I didn't want to pull apart my sandwich just for the bread. So I decided to butter 'er up and cooked it like a grilled cheese...if you still think my directions involved you making a grilled cheese, I'm sorry, but ti was simply a reference to the process of buttering the bread and cooking in a pan.


It was simply enough, however there was enough of a flair that the sandwich had a little more deliciousness to it!  

P.S. This is a what a grilled cheese looks like

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