Monday, September 1, 2014

Back Again!

Welcome to September! And welcome back to Joe's Jamaican Dinner! 

But before we get to September, let's talk August...somehow I managed to keep my blog silent all last month - not good, not good. But rest assured, I still ate dinner on most nights although I failed to post once...ONCE!

So as we get into September, I might drop in some pics and recipes from August, but most will be fresh content, like the rest of this post...

I had just played basketball with some friends yesterday afternoon, including my apartmentmate (that's not a word) Matt. Matt and I returned home with growling bellies - the clock had struck whatever time and we were hungry! So we decided to make the following: Chicken and Pasta. That seems so bland, so we cranked it up a few notches.

Here's how we prepared the Chicken:
--We used leftover chicken that I brought home from a meal earlier in the weekend. Still not sure what sauce was on the chicken to begin with but we went with it. I cut up the chicken into small, bite size pieces.
--In a pan, I melted some olive oil, butter, and garlic. Yes I said some, because I could not tell you how much I used. I just poured "some" olive oil in, scooped "some" butter in, and dropped "some" minced garlic in.
--Then I added the chicken and combined the flavors over a low heat and stirred occasionally.

We cooked a pound of pasta but our last-minute decision was what sauce to use. We didn't want to use marinara sauce, just weren't in the mood. So I opened the fridge, looked around, creative! We made our own sauce and if you've read my blog before, you'll know the concoction.

In a mixing bowl, I added some maple syrup, sriracha, lime juice, and salt...yep, I did it again with the "some" quantity. Poured a little bit of everything into the bowl and kept tweaking it until I had a delicious sauce! This specialty is especially tasty, because it's a great blend of sweet and spicy - sweet from the maple syrup and spicy from the sriracha.

Drizzled the sauce all over those noodles and then went after it! Bon Appetit! The blog is back in action!

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