Sunday, June 8, 2014

Bacon, Egg, and Cheese...Hamburgers!

Yesterday, I had a few friends over to watch the Stanley Cup Final and figured hamburgers would be an easy meal to make...And then we decided to fix it up a little bit and as the title suggest, we made ourselves some delicious Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Hamburgers (Insert cool name for burger here!).

I started with 1.5 lbs. of ground chuck and formed 6 1/4 lb. burgers. I seasoned with garlic powder, salt and pepper and cooked them in the oven using the broiler. I used my same trick, where I cover the pan in foil for easy cleanup. I flipped the burgers ever 5 minutes and cooked for about 15 minutes, give or take a few for how well done each of us wanted our burgers.

While I prepped and cooked the burgers, my friend Clay worked on cooking the bacon. Bacon is pretty darn easy, just throw it in a saute pan on the stove and cook on low heat to prevent grease from splattering everywhere. He used tongs to flip the bacon and cooked until the bacon was nice and crispy. Just a friendly reminder, bacon grease does not go down the disposal! We poured in a cup and then to dispose of, either throw outside in the grass or dump in the trash. Oh yeah, and you probably also want to pat the bacon after it cooks to remove some of the grease.

Now the interesting part. Well it shouldn't have been so interesting except for my shortcomings. I had never fried an egg before, much less done over-easy or over medium. Needless to say, it was a learning experience. They came out as more over-easy/medium, but on the third egg, I was a little impatient, tried to flip too early, and spilled the egg everywhere -  on the burner, on the side of the pan, it was a mess. I definitely should have stopped and cleaned the pan, but of course, as an amateur and not thinking, I kept on cooking. I'm certainly not perfect and some picture evidence is a great reminder.

But it the end, the burgers turned out really well and it was not that hard to make! We served with chips to keep it easy, but of course a nice side dish would be great here.

Let me know what you think!

I also need to throw some credit to my friend Daniel for fanning the smoke out of the air and preventing the smoke detector from going off again!

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