Sunday, June 8, 2014

Chicken Sammie

Tonight I pulled some chicken out of the freeze and thawed it out by placing it in cool water for an hour. While I let the chicken thaw, I went to the internet for some inspiration - to find a way to combine the ingredients I had to make something delicious. 

It started when I realized I had two left over hamburger buns...chicken sandwich it would be! I had two chicken breasts to cook and decided I would bake them in the oven. I set the oven to 450 F and to season the chicken, I sprinkled on some 21 Seasoning Salute, a Trader Joe's brand. I put in the oven and baked for 15 minutes. 

While I was scanning the web, I came across a Chicken Cheesesteak sandwich...and that's when I remembered I had bell peppers! So while the chicken was cooking, I cut up some red bell pepper and sauteed them in a pan on the stove with some olive oil. 

As soon as I pulled out the chicken from the oven, I laid a piece of cheese on top of it to melt a little. Then a little plating, added some BBQ sauce, and I had myself a tasty chicken sammie!

Pretty simple stuff here. Warmed up some left over quinoa from a previous meal and I had a nice dinner. I was thinking about adding a salad to start, but that just didn't end up happening. 

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