Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sriracha Salmon

On Thursday night I decided I was going to have salmon, but I wasn't sure how I wanted to prepare it. Luckily, with a little help from Cate, we found a great recipe that was easy to follow and delicious to make!
Here it is:
One of my friends asked me if I thought of that sauce on my own...I did not, but that's the hope that one day I'll understand flavors enough that I'll be able to get crafty and throw something nifty together. Anyways, I followed the recipe except I used 1 lb. of salmon and did not use the chopped cliantro.
Before entering the oven
To complete my meal, I made quinoa and broccoli. Quinoa is really easy to make, I followed the instructions on the box. Only thing to note here is that it takes about 15 minutes to cook, so make sure you start it right around the time you throw the fish in. Also, quinoa lasts for days and is a great leftover to heat up quickly to supplement another meal (like lunch leftovers!).
Now I couldn't quite figure out the way I wanted to prepare the broccoli. I ended up throwing the broccoli in boiling water for about 4 minutes and then strained it after. The broccoli was alright, definitely not the best, so I'm looking for suggestions on broccoli prep. It'd be great if I had a steamer and just could throw it in the microwave, but I don' other ideas are welcomed! Click here to share some advice

After cooking...yum!

Finished product!

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